Thursday 21 November 2013

Every individual is different from other....

When you have joined a yoga class do not feel guilty of self imposed pressure to practice yoga in same pace & intensity as those around you.Dont compare with others it will only cause you physical & emotional pain.
Like the  way we live ,the things we accomplish and the people we meet is different from everyone else's because we are on our own personal journeys.Focus on loving & being kind to yourself first. Discover your own path to peace & wisdom, so hopefully you can help and inspire others to do the same for themselves.

Friday 30 August 2013

Why there is a need to join Yoga Class?
Every individual is a masterpiece and can do yoga by making some modification in the pose , it is a practise just for yourself. If you practise regularly, your muscles will lengthen, become stronger and more supple and flexible. This will help with the bodies joints.
For those of us who do a lot of gym work or running, yoga is excellent to do alongside to keep the body in balance. Over time as we weight train or run, our muscles become stronger but shorten and tighten, regular Yoga can help counteract this effect on the body, by lengthening out the muscles and keeping flexibility to maintain balance in the body. Muscles need strength and flexibility. Breathing excercises will contribute to  your good health, controls & maintain body temperature.Different type of breathing techniques reduces stress & calm our mind..
 One of the main benefits of practising yoga is the effect it has on the mind and emotions. Yoga teaches us how to deal with situations in a more calm manner, it teaches focus and clarity of thought, it helps us to get to know ourselves and what we need.
We are so busy all the time, it gives us some precious time out to focus purely on ourselves. At the end of each yoga practise we have at least five minutes being still, which in the beginning is not easy!!! Our mind is racing, we are thinking about what shopping we need to get or what to make for lunch , about our maids& day to day problem , but over time, we can learn to focus on the here and now and not the future, and gain some beautiful moments of pure peace and calm.

Sunday 4 August 2013

Yoga & Fasting

Hi friends..I like to share the experience of doing yoga-breathing & stretching, while fasting..its a wonderful experience... after workout feel more energetic.. more concentrated & more relaxed.When the stomach is empty one can do poses with ease holding for more time duration.It make you realize your true self, increase your flexibility & give you more strength. Its a test of patience..detox your body,cleanse your soul..When one realize there is some purpose of his life.It makes a person more confident and you start loving yourself simply you'll love people around you.
One thing you should remember...everday if you cant do something good then just do your assigned duties ,stay truthful , kind with whoever you encounter...soon you ll see change in your life..

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Yoga is fun....

Yoga is fun...not boring at all... its not like doing 100 crunches or 50 sit ups.. and counting & counting....till one gets tired & get bored . You do for few days then give up...... whereas .. yoga has variety... different poses and holding the pose... stretching of muscles soothes your mind.
Yoga poses should never be hold in pain. If at any point you feel muscle has stretched then just dont stay as others are holding the pose... who knows better than you yourself...
Streching will be felt, the more you hold the muscle stretches & elongates.. thus it tones the body and the release of chemical will soothe the mind.
Wherever you go, travel or at home are not dependent on anyone or anything....  you need a mat or piece of cloth...ur everything & ur the world....even doing yoga for 20 minutes daily will keep you energetic for whole day and will come to know its hidden benefits after few months.
stay motivated & stay positive .

Thursday 27 June 2013

unpredictable future

what I  have observed in my class.. different people have their own issues, woman are more concerned about them physically...although main goal should be to feel beautiful from have good health & peace of mind...
I at times wonder do they really forget whatever is taught to them in class.. I guess not..
Somewhere at the bottom of their mind... some point has been awakening each time they do meditation.... changes do come for sure... not all of a sudden ..surely with a period of time...u come more closer to nature... know why you are created... your purpose in life.....
The main goal of meditation is to bring mind into present state.... we have ALLAH to decide our future... but it doesnt mean you cross your hands ,sit & wait...
Ofcourse Allah has given u mind to think.. and told you about good & bad path...
Many times you r not able to decide and stay restless... take time.. pray... come out from past... see past as ur rear mirror... your future is windsheild.. you are the driver...
Think from mind....listen to heart... ask ALLAH to help you out...
Have a simple life.....


Wednesday 26 June 2013

Well balanced emotions

Yoga helps balance the emotions in several ways.
Physiologically, regular practice harmonizes the nervous and endocrine systems, two systems which figure heavily in emotional well-being.
In addition, practicing Yoga cultivates the mental faculties of faith, self-control, concentration, determination, and patience. As we become more aware of our inner life, we notice how events, interactions, and even the atmospheric pressure effect us. When we are aware, we can exercise choice in our response. This helps us balance our emotional life.

Power Yoga & Yogalates

    My name is Sima. I am a yoga instructor and have been conducting classes since 4 years. I have tailor made my own sequences thats helps in overall toning of body & relaxing of mind.It is an energetic and invigorating non-stop workout, in a cheerful but demanding series of sun salutes, balancing poses, backbends, and abdominal poses that will stretch your whole body.

    Yoga workout lubricates the joints, ligaments and tendons. Yoga postures are meant to work together in order to balance the inside and outside of the body. This interrelated action produces a supple, lengthened body that has more space so that stress does not weigh it down. Over time it will allow your body and your mind to grow increasingly more flexible and strong. Yoga increases joint and muscle flexibility.Yoga is the only form of exercise that literally massages all of the internal glands and organs in a rhythmic, methodical manner.

    I have combined some pilates that tones the abdominal part & students really enjoy the sequence.
Accupressure is also a part of my class. Antiaging poses & their benefits are reminded regularly.

    So I hope that you will accompany me on this journey to the relaxation of our body and mind, through yoga.